Regular attendance and punctuality to School and to lessons is essential for all our pupils to make good progress, achieve academic potential and consequently have better chances in life.
Attendance is a key performance indicator within the School and Trust. Every pupil at Fairlawn Primary School is expected to maintain a minimum attendance level , in line with the Government’s expectations. It is the responsibility of everyone in the School community to ensure they achieve this. The School monitors the attendance and punctuality of all pupils constantly and reviews this at regular intervals. Refer to Attendance Policy for details.
Poor attendance at School can affect your child’s:
- Attainment in school
- Relationships with other children
- Confidence to attempt new work and to work alongside others
- Life chances of obtaining a good job
Each year there are 185 days for all pupils to attend school on time which leaves 180 days for holidays, shopping, birthday treats, non-urgent medical and dental appointments and events which should never fall within learning time. The School will not authorise absence for such reasons.
The School Attendance Target is 96%.
If your child cannot attend school due to sickness, please inform the school by using the Study Bugs app: Studybugs – Parents
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