We look forward to welcoming your child to Fairlawn. For an introduction to our school, please watch the video below.
Fairlawn Open Day Events 2025-2026
We always look forward to welcoming new pupils to Fairlawn Primary School. If your child is due to start school in September 2025, we would like to invite you to one of our Open Events. Please visit this site later this year to find the arranged dates for the Open Events which will be conducted in Autumn and Winter 2024. Request your invitation by emailing the school office at or calling on 0117 955 3914.
The Bristol City Council application system will open for admission in September. Please click here to go to their website and apply for Fairlawn Primary School.
Open Events:
Thu 21st Nov - 6:00pm
Tue 3rd Dec - 9:30am - FULL
Tue 3rd Dec - 1:30pm
Tue 7th Jan - 9:30am
Register your place at Fairlawn via the Bristol City Council Application System
The Bristol City Council application system is now open
Please click here to go to their website and apply for Fairlawn Primary School.
Academy Admission Policies
2024-2025 Admission Arrangements
In Year Admissions
Admissions to Fairlawn School mid-way through the year or for a pupil older than Reception Year age are to be made directly to Fairlawn School. Please either telephone 0117 955 3914 or email and contact Sean Duffy who manages our admissions.