PhilosopherAt Fairlawn, we have developed out own RE curriculum using Discovery RE as a spine to support our teaching of Religious Education. Our curriculum gives teachers a solid structure for delivering a wide range of component knowledge covering 6 of the world’s principal religions. This component knowledge is sequenced to allow pupils to answer larger more complex composite enquiry questions.

Religious education starts in EYFS where pupils investigate religious symbols and buildings and what religion is. Each year group has a disciplinary theme running throughout it to allow pupils to work as theologists to learn how religious knowledge can be discovered.

  • EYFS:   Religious Symbols
  • Year 1: Religious Buildings
  • Year 2: Religious Art
  • Year 3: Clothing in religion
  • Year 4: Religious Artefacts
  • Year 5: Food in religion
  • Year 6: Geograpy of religious populations

As they study each new religion pupils compare and contrast thier area of research with that of religions studied previously to identify similarites and differences and connect ideas.

Each RE session starts with a knowledge organiser to activate prior knowledge and identify personal knowledge. Pupils then move into a retrieval session, new learning, knowledge check and finally share their learning in an oracy outcome.

Religious Education can be a contributor to children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, as well as supporting their understanding of British Values, it is embedded in our philosopher procedure and cycle.

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FLS RE Curriculum 08th Sep 2023 Download